Sunday, April 8, 2012

Better than doing nothing....

Read a thought-provoking piece about the politics of Charity: -- which raised the interesting point of view that it represented the 'power' of the powerful towards the less fortunate, but whether a concerted effort to change the system so that such destitutes should lessen in number, should be the goal -- more long-term and less ego-massaging.
A relative new group- Redbandaid- took offence about being questioned about a Date Auction (auctioning off dates with attractive youngsters) where alcohol was served for raising funds for a Muslim Girls' orphanage. First the good-- 1 million dollars was raised - well done-- better than doing nothing. Now the question - should we just accept the funds raised or is it necessary to look into the accounting question of what portion , if any (this first case sounds like all funds raised went to Charity) had to be used for expenses. And then the blurred question of monies raised/donated - what proportion actually goes to those in need and should a policy of publishing records for all to peruse be instituted, including long-established ones like the Red Cross, Guyana Relief Committee and relatively newer vibrant ones like the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sahba embanking on an ambitious plan of a Children's Shelter in an area known for Drug peddling?
And is it right to question the wisdom of the Government giving away and not leasing Land to Charities - the propensities of these things to turn into personal fiefdoms after a period of Time.
But I still applaund those involved for doing something--- better than doing nothing....

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